Monday, June 25, 2012

Buffet or 3-Course Meal?

Ah, the food. It's probably what you're looking forward to the most at your reception after a long day of thanking your friends and tying the knot! However, before you get ahead of yourself, you need to decide on what to do for your reception meal. Do you want a nice buffet so that your guests have plenty to choose from, or do you want a nice 3-4 course meal to make things more elegant? That's a big decision to make isn't it? I mean, maybe you're worried that having a buffet would cause your guests to think that you're too cheap. On the flip side, you might be worried that having a course meal won't satisfy everyone's food desires. So many bride seem to be stuck on this issue, trying to please every single one of her guests as well as make a super good impression of herself. Well, guess what? It's your wedding and YOU get to decide what you want.

Seriously, most of the time your guests won't even really care what they eat! By the time the reception rolls around and it's time for food, people are starving! They're more than willing to even eat a Big Mac if that's what you served them. Honestly, they don't care. Besides, for most people, they're there for YOU. They're there to cry for you out of joy at your wedding ceremony. They really are just there for you and to make sure that you're happy. Having a meal is merely a bonus for them. They really are just there for you;) So choose whatever menu you like, whether it's a grand buffet or a classic 3-course meal, your guests will love either just as much <3

So sweetie, it's all up to you:) If you want a sit down, classic meal then go with the course meal. If you want your guests to have some more freedom in their food choices, then go ahead and have a buffet ^_^

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